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Friday, March 29, 2013

"Pablo Picasso" by the Modern Lovers

Song: Pablo Picasso
Artist: Jonathan Richman and the Modern Lovers
Album: The Modern Lovers
Also try:  The Velvet Underground, Pavement, The Vaselines
Commentary: Boston proto-punk from 1972. Recorded the year before Mr. Picasso passed away; hopefully he got to hear this awesome song about how awesome he is.

Choice lyrical sample: "O, be not schmuck, be not obnoxious, be not bell-bottomed bummer or asshole" Listen to the way he exhorts the 70s here.


Monday, March 25, 2013

"cool jumper" by Wavves

Song: "cool jumper"
Artist: Wavves
Also try:  Times New Viking's Rip it Off, Vivian Girls, Zach Hill in Death Grips, Best Coast
Commentary: Kills me. This is some cutting-edge post pop-punk. Clearly drawing from the same playbook as pop-punk (their new album sounds so much like Green Day sometimes), Wavves are subverting the paradigm in awesome ways (and that's why it's still "indie", so it's cool, right?). Just look how long this song is! While their earlier albums, Wavves and Wavvves, have the more innovative music, "Cool Jumper" is easy to like and Zach Hill rocks it (it's always a little sad when bands take the Modest Mouse path from ground-breaking to complacent). Anyway, I'm posting this because a new Wavves album comes out tomorrow!

2020 update: I was vaguely aware of vaporwave at the time, but did not know what it was called.


PS - I was pleasantly surprised by this fan video; I think Wavves would approve.
PPS - It was a total accident that I posted at 4:20, but I think Wavves would also approve (cf. cool jumper art )

Friday, March 22, 2013

RIP Jason Molina

I'm making a double Jason Molina post in honor of his recent passing. Jason Molina was a talented songwriter who made me feel connected to the Midwest. I've come to appreciate his dark musings only lately, never getting into the promotional singles on Secretly Canadian's websites. It was Magnolia Electric Co.'s Daytrotter session that first piqued my interest and Didn't It Rain that first sucked me in. I'm still working my way through the prolific Molina's impressive oeuvre and look forward to discovering more of his work. I should also say that it's musicians' voices that often hook me. I couldn't tell you how many times I've found myself trying to imitate the distinctive warbles that enrich his singing.
Song: The Dark Don't Hide It
Artist: Magnolia Electric Co.
Album: Trials & Errors
Also try:  Will Oldham (Bonnie 'Prince' Billy, Palace, etc.), Bill Callahan, Silver Jews
Commentary: The "Dark Don't Hide It" was my catchy point of entree to Jason Molina. This is a great live version and Molina does some great variations live.


Song: Blue Chicago Moon
Artist: Songs:Ohia
Album: Didn't It Rain
Also try:  BPB's I See A Darkness, Mark Kozelek, Cat Power
Commentary: "Blue Chicago Moon" comes in at almost 7 minutes, but Jason Molina uses every second to unfold his bleak, semi-narrative vision. His allowance for hope keeps the experience from despair, but Songs:Ohia sure creates a brooding, pensive mood here.


Monday, March 18, 2013

"You Oughta Know" by Das Racist

Song: You Oughta Know
Artist: Das Racist
Album: Shut Up, Dude
Also try:  Heems, Kool AD, but really Das Racist were pretty special
Commentary: Can somebody notarize this? (spambots?) I'm calling it, Das Racist reunion tour, 2035. It'll be titled something that is hip, funny, and nostalgic 20-odd years from now, so I can't call that. They should never have broken up. Try to listen to their first four tracks on this mixtape and not love it. I'm surprised at how effective the gibberish-laden hook is in this song. And Kool AD and Heems both kill it in their verses.

Friday, March 15, 2013

"The Recursive Girl" by Fucked Up

Song: The Recursive Girl
Artist: Fucked Up
Album: David Comes To Life
Also try:  Ty Segall's Slaughterhouse, Les Savy Fav, Japandroids
Commentary: When making this post I thought of that festival a couple of years ago that hosted all those bands with 'fuck' in their names. Now I had to be careful when looking up this event: while "FuckFest" might have been what I thought it was called, it would not be productive to search for that on Google... Turns out the Festival of the Fuck bands, held in Fucking, Austria (not to be confused with "F*cking Austria" sans comma), hosted the Fuck Buttons, Fuck, Holy Fuck, and Fucked Up. I bet people were cursing a lot there, that would probably make me uncomfortable.


Monday, March 11, 2013

"Hill and Gully Ride..." by Lord Composer

Song: Hill and Gully Ride; Mandeville Road
Artist: Lord Composer and His Silver Seas Orchestra
Album: if you don't have the 10", try The Secret Museum of Mankind, Vol. 1 Ethnic Music Classics: 1925-48
Also try
Commentary: I first heard this on a mix by Jeff Mangum, and then checked out the Yazoo album from the library. The song is so catchy. Another one of those where I wish I spoke the language (Jamaican Creole) to sing along. I went exploring Mento music after hearing this track. It was fun (and the A-side to this 10" is pretty similar), but the comparative quality of this selection speaks to the excellence of curation by Yazoo.


Friday, March 8, 2013

"Electric PowWow Drum" by A Tribe Called Red

Song: Electric PowWow Drum
Artist: A Tribe Called Red
Album: A Tribe Called Red
Commentary: Aboriginal music out of Canada. I'm always a big fan of influences from musical traditions that don't get the mainstream play time. This album has some cool synthesis between older and newer musical influences. The internet won't tell me what nations they're from, though. (video apparently by another Native artist)


Monday, March 4, 2013

"Kate" by DAAP Girls

Song: Kate
Artist: DAAP Girls
Album: DAAP Girls
Also try:  other local Cincinnati bands, Stuart's previous band the Lions Rampant
Commentary: Hot 'n' fresh release from my friend Stuart. I usually avoid friends' stuff because I'm not a huge fan, sorry friends. But I like this track, the music video is cool, plus my dad's painting of Red Cloud appears around 19 seconds.


Friday, March 1, 2013

"Ngo Mebou Melane" by Paul Pendja Ensemble

Song: Ngo Mebou Melane
Artist: Paul Pendja Ensemble
Album: Black Mirror: Reflections in global music (1918-1955)
Also try:  the other songs on that album, Jeff Mangum's recent podcasts, Secret Museum of Mankind releases on Yazoo
Commentary: One time I had this melody stuck in my head for like a month, but I couldn't remember where I'd heard it and I obviously couldn't look up the lyrics. I eventually found it in my music library and even searched around to determine that the language is Lamnso, which was another adventure (into Bantoid languages). So needless to say, I find this tune rather catchy and the whole compilation pretty stellar. Dust-to-Digital is an excellent label (did you hear the album name Opika Pende at the Grammy's?)
